Sustainable and Economical Benefits

The sustainability factors of a Straw Bale constructed building are;

  • Less timber framing and no extra insulation material are needed. Reducing the logging of native Australian forests by as much as 25-30%. Also, a standard straw bale is 450mm thick with an R-value in excess of 4.8 and up to R9 for a standard bale (doubling the R-values of their walls with traditional homes).
  • Used from grain crops such as wheat, oats, rye, rice and barley which are grown in most parts of Australia and New Zealand. Burning the bales can emit carbon monoxide. See Chart Below
    Obtained from 2011

  • Savings in straw bale buildings can be obtained with owner builders supplying their own labor using friends and relatives in the construction. 
  • Straw bale walls do not exude toxic fumes. Benefiting those with asthma, allergies, and toxic sensitivities.
  • Transportation, construction and production use a low amount of embodied energy.